Silence (Friday Fictioneers #4)

This flash fiction Friday event is both fun and a great writing exercise. A picture prompt, a 100-word story that links dozens of awesome writer bloggers! Thank you, Rochelle Wishoff-Fields!

Here’s my fourth attempt entitled “Silence”.

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright – Ted Strutz



99 words

The whirring in my mouth was goose-flesh inducing, but I had already tucked it away in the past. I was already on the docked ferry, its yawning mouth mimicking my own. I was already alone, far from the crying, whining, screaming—all that ruckus that made the noise in my cavity a welcome respite.

By the time Gus found out I was missing, I’d be far away. Huddled in a cozy, silent room.

Let Gus handle the ruckus for the rest of the week. Four days of peace was all I wanted. I deserved as much.

Then I’d return.


That story draws from personal need. Almost always when I ride the train to work, I think of going down to the terminal station at the port of Piraeus and board any outbound ship. Just be left to my own devices for a few days. Not talk to a living soul. Just silence.

For more stories and totally different takes on this prompt click on the linky:

30 thoughts on “Silence (Friday Fictioneers #4)

    1. Thanks, Nicholas! I knew you’d understand… You’ll understand even more when it’s not a puppy who has to listen to your heartbeat to calm down 🙂

    1. After years of hard work, one deserves to live life as she pleases. Hope you get to do whatever you feel will make you happier! Thanks for stopping by, Rochelle!

  1. Dear Maria,

    You should answer those impulses. I like how your personal life informed this story and made it more real. Lovely writing.



    1. Ahh! Impromptu trips. That would be “the shortest joke ever” where I’m concerned 🙂

  2. Yeah, I usually hide when I go to work. I don’t necessarily attend parties or anything like that unless I feel like it.

    Keep on writing these “attempts,” as you call them, of yours!

    1. True, but apart from guts it takes an amount of self-centredness that I lack. Thanks for stopping by!

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