GIF Friday: Beat It #5 (Kristen Stewart)

The winner of Beat It #4 with Matt Bomer is Karli Rush, author of dark, paranormal romance. The post on her upcoming release, Let Your Heart Drive, will be published on May 11.

You can’t know me well enough if you’re not aware of my ongoing Kristen Stewart fanship. I even have a Pinterest board dedicated to her. It’s a wonder I didn’t start this meme with her, but this week is all about the Queen of brooding chic.


Don’t you sometimes struggle to add the right body language description (beat) to amp up your dialog? One that conjures just the right image, is not cliché and sounds fresh?

Then this meme-type exercise is for you. Read on for a quick how-to.

Kristen poster
Kristen Stewart @Jean_Nelson (
  • Take a good look at the GIF below.
  • Using the scene set up I give you, describe the body language you see just as you’d do if you were writing out the scene yourself.
  • Post your “beat” until Wednesday as a comment here, blog it, post on Facebook, wherever.
  • If you don’t post here, leave a comment with a link to where you posted, so I can find you.

I will then update this page to include all offerings I gather with links to participants’ sites or social media.

No judging, no winners. My aim is to gather lots of different body language beats describing a visual action/reaction for my readers (and yours) to read and maybe learn. An added perk: each week, I’ll choose a random participant who will get FREE book promo on my promo blog


GIF Friday #5 starring Kristen Stewart

Kristen 2

With a weird military salute her clingy friends leave. Finally. I’ve been nursing my empty coffee mug for half an hour.

She stayed behind. That must be a good sign, right?

I try to ignore the flutter in my heart. I have set myself up for rejection, and I’m not used to that. But she’s different. I might be the school’s baseball star, but she’s the one who serves mean curveballs.

That land right onto my stomach.

Wiping my hands on my jeans, I stand and go to her. “You’ve had over half an hour to think it over.” I sit on the chair next to her. “Eight o’ clock. Orchard Tri Cinemas. You and me. No friends this time. Are you in or out?”

(insert beat)


So what it’ll be? Will she say ‘yes’ this time or not? End this story the way you want. Remember to add a workable link in your comment so that I can credit you properly.

7 thoughts on “GIF Friday: Beat It #5 (Kristen Stewart)

  1. I stop breathing in anticipation of her reply. She pushes a few errand tendrils of hair from her beautiful face and glances over at me. Her gaze does not linger; it drops almost immediately.

    Oh, crap. Deflated, I let out the air in a small sigh as another curveball bounces off my stomach.

  2. Of course, I can tell, by the twitchy hair-fixing, the sliding eyes, the feigned casualness, that she’s interested and intends to say yes. Still, the two possibilities flip back and forth in my head, jangling me – yes, I’ll go to the movies, just you and me, or no, drop dead, I don’t like jocks.
    Yes or no, back and forth, like thwacked balls in a pinball machine.
    Until she lifts her eyes and meets my gaze squarely.
    “I’m tired,” she says, “and I don’t have any place to stay tonight.”

    1. Carly, thank you so much for your awesome conclusion to my little story. I love it as it’s a twist. Definitely a curveball, only this one will probably land a bit lower than his stomach. 😀

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