Call to Arms – Jackie Weger’s take

A list of “Above the Fold” and “Below the Fold” promoters for your books, recommended by a writer in the know. Great stuff!

Nicholas C. Rossis

Jackie Weger is more than an author of great romance novels; she’s a tireless supporter of Indies, both on her own and through her eNovel Authors at Work group.

Jackie has written a score of posts detailing her (rather extensive) marketing experience. As she includes the experience of the 50-odd authors in her group as well, this is an excellent resource for anyone interested in paid ads. As she puts it,

“eNovel keeps a Preferred List and on the Preferred List, we have Above the Fold and Below the Fold. On Above the Fold are promoters to whom we always submit. Below the Fold are promoters we like and trust, but sometimes do not deliver as well as hoped. If a single author reports dreadful results with a promoter, we note it. However, at least three or more authors have to report less than stellar results for a promoter to…

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