Silence (Friday Fictioneers #4)

This flash fiction Friday event is both fun and a great writing exercise. A picture prompt, a 100-word story that links dozens of awesome writer bloggers! Thank you, Rochelle Wishoff-Fields!

Here’s my fourth attempt entitled “Silence”.

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright – Ted Strutz



99 words

The whirring in my mouth was goose-flesh inducing, but I had already tucked it away in the past. I was already on the docked ferry, its yawning mouth mimicking my own. I was already alone, far from the crying, whining, screaming—all that ruckus that made the noise in my cavity a welcome respite.

By the time Gus found out I was missing, I’d be far away. Huddled in a cozy, silent room.

Let Gus handle the ruckus for the rest of the week. Four days of peace was all I wanted. I deserved as much.

Then I’d return.


That story draws from personal need. Almost always when I ride the train to work, I think of going down to the terminal station at the port of Piraeus and board any outbound ship. Just be left to my own devices for a few days. Not talk to a living soul. Just silence.

For more stories and totally different takes on this prompt click on the linky:

30 thoughts on “Silence (Friday Fictioneers #4)

    1. It’s a lot easier than it looks, really… A month ago, I wouldn’t have thought I could write flash fiction… Oh, did you mean handling the ruckus on a daily basis? LOL!

  1. So many times while I was on my way to work I’d think “What if I just kept driving? I could go to the San Juan Islands or Mount Baker or . . ..” Then I’d turn into the parking lot at work and the day would begin again. No more. This is a great story of need.

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